How to Choose a Sleeping Bag? Pro Tips for Perfect Sleeping Bag

How to Choose a Sleeping Bag: Pro Tips is your ultimate guide to making the right decision when selecting a sleeping bag for your outdoor adventures. This comprehensive resource will provide you with expert insights and practical advice to ensure you stay comfortable, warm, and well-rested during your trips.

Whether you’re an avid adventurer, a casual camper, or a seasoned hiker, selecting the right sleeping bag can greatly enhance your outdoor experience. With a multitude of options available on the market, each catering to different climates, activities, and personal preferences, making an informed decision is crucial to ensuring a restful night’s sleep amidst nature’s embrace. 

In this article we will guide you how to choose a perfect sleeping bag for your adventure.

Table of Contents

What is a Sleeping Bag and Why Does it Matter?

A sleeping bag is more than simply a piece of outdoor equipment; it’s your comfortable haven when you’re out in the wild. It gives you a cozy and well-insulated sleeping space, shielding you from the weather and keeping you warm all through the night. Having the proper sleeping bag can make the variations between waking up feeling rested and prepared for the day and flipping around all night long, unable to get any sleep.

sleeping bag with compression sack
sleeping bag with compression sack

Exploring Various Types of Sleeping Bags

Sleeping bags come in a variety of types, each designed for specific outdoor activities. Whether you’re backpacking, camping, car camping, RV camping, hiking, or even winter camping, there is a sleeping bag made specifically for you.

  • Backpacking: Lightweight and compact sleeping bags are essential for backpackers, as they need to be carried for long distances. Look for bags that balance weight and warmth.
  • Camping: Regular camping allows for slightly heavier sleeping bags with more room for comfort. They should still be portable enough to transport from your vehicle to the campsite.
  • Car Camping: Car campers can prioritize comfort and spaciousness, as weight and size are less of a concern.
  • RV Camping: Similar to car camping, RV campers can opt for roomier sleeping bags with extra amenities for a more luxurious experience.
  • Hiking: Hiking-specific sleeping bags are usually lightweight and easily compressible, ideal for long hikes where every ounce matters.

The 4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Sleeping Bag

You’re tucked inside in a warm, comfortable cocoon, with a starry sky overhead and soothing natural noises lulling you to sleep. The benefits of camping, ah! But hold on, there’s a vital task you must do before starting your outdoor adventure—hunting for the appropriate sleeping bag. The temperature rating, the fill material, the form and design, and the weight and packability are the four crucial aspects that will help you achieve sleeping bag nirvana. So fear not, intrepid adventurer, for we’re going to reveal them. So buckle up, or rather, fasten the straps of your sleeping bag, and let’s go for it!

1. Temperature Rating: Battling the Chill Like a Pro

You’re all snuggled up in your sleeping bag, only to discover that Jack Frost has decided to join the party. It’s not the kind of surprise anyone enjoys. This is where the temperature rating swoops in like a superhero to save the night. Think of it as your sleeping bag’s magic number, revealing the lowest temperature it can conquer while keeping you toasty. A pro tip? Aim for a rating slightly lower than what you anticipate. That way, even if the weather plays tricks on you, you’re still the one having the last laugh, all warm and snug.

2. Fill Material: The Insulation Conundrum

Down or synthetic? It’s the ultimate showdown of the insulation world. Down, the soft and luxurious feather filling, boasts an impressive warmth-to-weight ratio, akin to wearing a cloud of warmth. But wait, there’s a twist! Synthetic insulation jumps in with its resilience against dampness and wallet-friendly charm. Your choice here could be the difference between waking up as a contented camper or a shivering snowman, so choose wisely.

3. Shape and Design: Your Cozy Castle Blueprint

Castles in the air are nice, but a cozy castle in the woods? Even better! Say hello to the kingdom of sleeping bag shapes. The mummy, snug and heat-retentive, is your companion for frosty nights. Rectangular bags are the roomier option, perfect for the sprawlers and starfish sleepers. And the hybrid? It’s the Goldilocks of designs, offering just the right blend of space and warmth. Your sleeping style meets its match with the perfect shape.

4. Weight and Packability: The Art of Sleeping Bag Tetris

Attention backpackers, weight-watchers, and Tetris masters—this is your spotlight moment. The weight and packability of your sleeping bag determine just how nimble you can be on the trail. Ultra-light options are like the Houdinis of the sleeping bag world, disappearing into your pack without a trace. But, and it’s a big but, ensure you’re not sacrificing comfort for that feather-light appeal. After all, your dreams should be weightless, not your sleep!

How to Choose a Sleeping Bag for Different Activities: Unveiling the Perfect Slumber Partners

Adventurers of the great outdoors, gather ’round! Whether you’re a backpacking nomad, a weekend camper, a road-trippin’ rover, or a winter wanderer, the quest for the ultimate sleeping bag is a journey worth embarking upon. Each escapade calls for a different kind of snuggle buddy, and we’re here to guide you through the sleeping bag maze with our illuminating tips. Get ready to meet your dreamy slumber partner, tailored for every adventure under the sun (or stars)!

1. Backpacking: Light as a Feather, Warm as a Hug

When you’re on a backpacking escapade, every ounce counts. Enter the ultralight sleeping bag—the featherweight champion of the trail. It’s designed to keep you snug while ensuring your backpack doesn’t start feeling like a ton of bricks. Look for a bag that’s not only light but also compresses like a pro, fitting snugly into your pack without stealing too much room from your essentials. Remember, a good night’s sleep fuels your trekking dreams, so choose wisely!

2. Camping: The Heartwarming Haven

Ah, the classic camping trip—a weekend getaway to nature’s embrace. Here, you have a bit more wiggle room for comfort. Opt for a sleeping bag that’s cozy, yet not overly bulky. You want to balance warmth with mobility, ensuring you can still roll around comfortably while basking in the campfire’s glow. Whether you’re a side sleeper, a back snuggler, or something in between, a well-padded sleeping bag can turn your tent into a palace of dreams.

3. Car Camping: Room to Roam and Recline

Car campers, rejoice! You’re blessed with the luxury of extra space, so why not revel in it? A rectangular or semi-rectangular sleeping bag provides ample room for tossing, turning, and even striking a yoga pose or two before dozing off. Go for a bag that lets you stretch out like a cat basking in the sun, and don’t forget to throw in an extra blanket or two for added coziness.

4. RV Camping: Glamping’s Comfy Embrace

RV camping calls for the crème de la crème of sleeping comfort. Here, you can afford to indulge in the coziest of sleeping bags, just like you’re at home (but with a view!). Think plush lining, roomy dimensions, and temperature ratings that rival your favorite spa’s thermostat. After all, why settle for anything less when you’re towing your home-away-from-home?

5. Hiking: The Marriage of Function and Form

For the intrepid hikers, a sleeping bag is more than a cocoon—it’s a lifeline after a day of conquering peaks and crossing rivers. Seek a bag that balances lightweight prowess with insulation might. Hike-friendly features like water resistance and efficient compression are your best friends. Let your bag be a testament to your journey’s grandeur, showcasing that while the mountains are your playground, the snuggly embrace of your sleeping bag is your reward.

6. Winter Camping: Defying Frost with Cozy Courage

Winter warriors, this one’s for you! When the mercury drops, your sleeping bag becomes your fortress against the cold. Opt for a bag with a temperature rating that laughs in the face of freezing nights. Down insulation shines here, and mummy-style bags are your allies in locking in precious warmth. Remember, it’s not just about sleeping—it’s about thriving in the midst of winter’s icy grasp.

The Best Sleeping Bags for Different Climates: Your Ultimate Guide to Cozy Slumber

A canopy of stars above, the distant howl of the wind, and you, wrapped in the warm embrace of the perfect sleeping bag. But hold on, fellow adventurers! Just as the weather changes, so do your sleeping bag needs. Fear not, for we’re here to unveil the top picks for every climate, ensuring your slumber is nothing short of a dream come true. From frosty nights to balmy evenings, we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide to the best sleeping bags for different climates.

1. Cold Weather Sleeping Bags: Defying the Chill

When Jack Frost comes nipping at your nose, you need a sleeping bag that laughs in the face of cold. Enter the realm of cold weather sleeping bags, where warmth is non-negotiable. These bags are your cozy fortresses, complete with advanced insulation and features that ward off even the most determined chills. Look for bags with lower temperature ratings and snug, mummy-style designs to lock in every precious degree of warmth.

2. Warm Weather Sleeping Bags: Embracing the Breeze

As the sun smiles upon you, it’s time to shed those layers and welcome the lightweight wonders of warm weather sleeping bags. These companions are all about breathability and comfort, ensuring you stay cool and relaxed through those balmy nights. Opt for a bag with strategic ventilation options and a lighter fill material to prevent overheating while still enjoying a comforting embrace.

3. 3-Season Sleeping Bags: Navigating the In-Between

When spring, summer, and fall roll around, 3-season sleeping bags step into the limelight. They’re the versatile chameleons of the sleeping bag world, ready to adapt to changing temperatures. With a balance between insulation and breathability, these bags keep you snug in mild cold and comfortable in warmer climes. Their temperature ratings usually cover the spectrum from chilly to moderately warm nights.

4. 4-Season Sleeping Bags: Mastering Year-Round Comfort

For those who refuse to let winter dictate their adventures, 4-season sleeping bags are the name of the game. Designed to tackle the frostiest of nights, these bags are your ultimate allies in embracing the elements. They boast advanced insulation, durable materials, and features that stand up to the harshest conditions. Whether you’re camping under a blanket of snow or facing the brisk winds of autumn, 4-season bags have your back.

5. Ultralight Sleeping Bags: Featherweight Marvels

When you’re counting every ounce in your backpack, ultralight sleeping bags are your heroes. These nimble companions are perfect for hikers, backpackers, and trailblazers who need to carry their shelter on their back. While they might sacrifice some features for weight savings, they make up for it with their compactness and the freedom to explore without feeling weighed down.

How to Choose the Right Temperature Rating for Your Sleeping Bag: Decoding EN vs. ISO Ratings

When it comes to choosing the perfect sleeping bag, one of the most crucial factors to consider is its temperature rating. After all, a good night’s sleep is essential for any outdoor adventure. But navigating the world of temperature ratings can be a bit like deciphering a secret code. Fear not, for we’re here to demystify the process and guide you through the intricacies of EN vs. ISO sleeping bag temperature ratings, as well as the difference between comfort rating and lower limit rating. So, let’s dive into the realm of coziness and insulation with this informative guide.

EN vs. ISO Sleeping Bag Temperature Ratings: Breaking It Down

The world of sleeping bag ratings is governed by two primary systems: EN (European Norm) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). While they have slightly different names, they serve the same purpose—helping you understand how well your sleeping bag can handle varying temperatures. Both systems provide a range of temperature ratings that indicate the conditions in which the bag will keep you comfortable. These ratings usually consist of a “comfort” rating and a “lower limit” rating.

Comfort Rating vs. Lower Limit Rating: What’s the Difference?

Comfort RatingLower Limit Rating
DescriptionThe temperature at which an average sleeper (usually a woman) can sleep comfortably without feeling too cold.The temperature at which an average sleeper (usually a man) can sleep in a curled-up position without waking due to cold.
InterpretationCozy and comfortable sleeping temperature for a restful night’s sleep, without the need for extra layers.The extreme survival-oriented temperature at which the sleeping bag can keep you alive, even if not necessarily comfortable.
ConsiderationsIdeal for those who prefer a bit of extra warmth or are cold sleepers. Aim for a slightly lower comfort rating than the expected lowest temperature.Suited for experienced campers or those who can withstand colder conditions. May not guarantee comfort, but survival at extreme temperatures.
Personal FactorsConsider personal factors like metabolism, clothing, and sleeping pad insulation.Personal factors, such as body type, metabolism, and overall cold tolerance, can affect how well the lower limit rating aligns with your comfort levels.

When choosing a sleeping bag, it’s wise to consider both the comfort rating and the lower limit rating to ensure you’re adequately prepared for the conditions you’ll be facing. Keep in mind that personal factors such as metabolism, clothing, and sleeping pad insulation can influence how comfortable you’ll be at different temperatures.

Down vs. Synthetic: Which Fill Material is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing the perfect sleeping bag, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is selecting the right fill material. Down and synthetic are the two primary contenders in this showdown, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this informative guide, we’ll break down the pros and cons of each fill material to help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and needs.

Down Fill Material: Luxurious Warmth with a Featherlight Touch


  • Exceptional Warmth: Down insulation, typically made from the soft feathers of ducks or geese, is renowned for its unbeatable warmth-to-weight ratio. It provides remarkable insulation that keeps you cozy even in chilly conditions.
  • Lightweight and Packable: Down sleeping bags are incredibly lightweight and compressible, making them a favorite among backpackers and adventurers who prioritize minimal gear and easy portability.
  • Longevity: High-quality down sleeping bags can last for years with proper care. They retain their loft and warmth over time, providing consistent comfort on numerous trips.


  • Price: Down sleeping bags tend to be more expensive than their synthetic counterparts, mainly due to the premium quality of down insulation.
  • Moisture Sensitivity: Down loses its insulating properties when wet, which can be a significant drawback if you anticipate encountering damp conditions. However, hydrophobic down treatments have improved this aspect.

Synthetic Fill Material: Versatile Performance for All Conditions


  • Moisture Resistance: Synthetic insulation, made from man-made fibers, retains its insulating properties even when wet. This makes synthetic sleeping bags a reliable choice for humid or wet environments.
  • Affordability: Synthetic sleeping bags are generally more budget-friendly than down options, making them an excellent choice for those seeking quality without breaking the bank.
  • Quick Drying: Synthetic materials dry quickly, making them suitable for multi-day trips or locations where rain or moisture is a concern.


  • Bulkier and Heavier: While advancements have been made to improve packability, synthetic sleeping bags are still bulkier and heavier compared to down sleeping bags with similar temperature ratings.
  • Less Compressibility: Despite improvements, synthetic insulation still doesn’t match the compressibility of down, making it a bit more challenging to pack into smaller spaces.
  • Durability: Synthetic fibers tend to break down more quickly over time compared to down, which can impact the longevity of the sleeping bag’s insulation.

Mummy vs. Rectangular: Which Shape is Right for You?

As you embark on your quest for the perfect sleeping bag, one of the pivotal decisions you’ll face is choosing the right shape. Mummy and rectangular are the two primary contenders in this battle of designs, each offering distinct advantages. In this informative guide, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of each shape and introduce you to other design options that might pique your interest.

Mummy Shape: Embrace of Heat and Efficiency


  • Efficient Insulation: Mummy sleeping bags are known for their snug fit, which helps to minimize empty spaces and enhance heat retention. This design is especially effective in cold weather, where trapping body heat is paramount.
  • Lightweight: Mummy sleeping bags are often lighter than their rectangular counterparts due to their minimalist design, making them a favorite among backpackers and hikers.
  • Compactness: Their tapered shape and streamlined design allow mummy sleeping bags to be packed into a smaller space, leaving more room in your backpack for other gear.


  • Restrictive: The snug fit of a mummy sleeping bag can feel restrictive to some sleepers, limiting their ability to move around comfortably.
  • Less Room: If you’re a side sleeper or like a bit of extra space to stretch out, a mummy bag’s form-fitting design might not be the most comfortable option.

Rectangular Shape: Spacious Comfort for All Sleep Styles


  • Ample Space: Rectangular sleeping bags offer plenty of room to move around, making them ideal for sleepers who enjoy stretching out or changing positions during the night.
  • Versatility: Whether you’re a side sleeper, a starfish sprawler, or prefer a more relaxed sleeping position, a rectangular sleeping bag accommodates a variety of sleep styles.
  • Can be Opened Flat: Many rectangular sleeping bags can be fully unzipped to form a blanket, serving as versatile camp bedding for warmer nights.


  • Heat Loss: The additional space in rectangular sleeping bags can result in more air circulation, potentially leading to heat loss in colder conditions.
  • Bulkier and Heavier: Due to their roomier design, rectangular sleeping bags are often bulkier and heavier, which may not be ideal for backpacking or long hikes.

Other Shapes and Designs to Consider:

  • Semi-Rectangular: Combining the best of both worlds, semi-rectangular sleeping bags offer a compromise between the efficient warmth of mummy bags and the roominess of rectangular bags.
  • Double Sleeping Bags: Perfect for couples or friends who want to share warmth, double sleeping bags offer a spacious sleeping area for two people.
  • Quilt-Style: Quilts provide customizable coverage by draping over you like a blanket. They’re popular among ultralight enthusiasts who prioritize minimalism and weight savings.

How to Choose the Right Weight and Packability for Your Sleeping Bag

When it comes to outdoor adventures, every ounce in your backpack counts. That’s why the weight and packability of your sleeping bag are more than just numbers—they’re essential factors that can make or break your experience. Whether you’re a backpacking nomad or a camping aficionado, understanding the importance of weight and packability and striking the right balance between weight and warmth can significantly enhance your outdoor escapades. In this informative guide, we’ll delve into these considerations and help you decide between lightweight and heavy-duty sleeping bags.

The Importance of Weight and Packability for Backpacking and Camping

For backpackers, hikers, and anyone hitting the trail, the weight of your gear directly impacts your ability to cover distances comfortably. A heavy sleeping bag can turn a picturesque trek into an exhausting ordeal. Similarly, campers who need to transport their gear to the campsite will appreciate the convenience of a compact, easily stowed sleeping bag.

How to Find the Right Balance Between Weight and Warmth

While ultralight sleeping bags are enticing, it’s crucial to strike a balance between weight and warmth. Opting for an extremely lightweight bag may compromise on insulation, leaving you shivering during cold nights. Therefore, consider the following factors to achieve the ideal equilibrium:

  1. Temperature Rating: Choose a sleeping bag with a temperature rating that matches the conditions you’ll be facing. Going for an ultralight bag in extremely cold weather might not provide the necessary insulation.
  1. Insulation Material: If you’re looking for a lightweight bag, down insulation offers an exceptional warmth-to-weight ratio. However, synthetic insulation might be a better option if you’re anticipating wet conditions.
  1. Layering: Instead of solely relying on a heavy-duty bag, you can also consider layering clothing and using a quality sleeping pad for extra warmth.

Lightweight vs. Heavy-Duty Sleeping Bag: Which is Best for You?

Lightweight Sleeping Bag:


  • Ideal for backpackers and hikers looking to minimize weight.
  • Easier to carry, especially during long treks.
  • Highly packable, leaving more room in your backpack for other essentials.
  • Suitable for warm weather conditions or those who generate a lot of body heat.


  • May compromise on warmth in extremely cold conditions.
  • Can be more delicate due to lightweight materials.
  • Typically pricier due to advanced materials and construction.

Heavy-Duty Sleeping Bag:


  • Provides robust insulation for colder weather conditions.
  • Offers a sense of security in extreme temperatures.
  • Generally more durable and can withstand wear and tear over time.


  • Heavier and bulkier, which can be less convenient for long hikes.
  • Takes up more space in your backpack.
  • May be overkill for milder weather or shorter trips.

Other Things to Think About: Navigating Sleeping Bag Choices

Picking a good sleeping bag involves more than just how warm it keeps you. There are many things to consider that affect how comfy you’ll be during your outdoor adventures. In this guide, we’ll look at important things like size and weight, what it’s made of, how it’s put together, extra features, and how much it costs. These are all important parts of finding a sleeping bag that suits you best.

Size and Weight: Getting the Right Fit

  • Size: Make sure the sleeping bag fits you well so you stay warm and cozy. Think about how tall you are and your body shape when choosing the size. Some bags come in different lengths for taller folks.
  • Weight: If you’re going hiking or carrying your stuff, how heavy the bag is matters. Try to find a sleeping bag that’s comfy but not too heavy, so you can carry it easily and sleep well.

Material: From Outside to Inside

  • Shell Material: The outside of the sleeping bag matters for durability, keeping water out, and letting air through. Some bags use materials like nylon and polyester, and some even have special coatings to keep water away.
  • Lining Material: The inside lining makes a difference in how comfy you feel. Choose a lining that feels nice against your skin and helps keep moisture away.

Construction: How It’s Made

  • Stitching: The way the bag is sewn affects how warm it is. Some bags have small compartments that hold the warm stuff in place and stop cold spots.
  • Zippers: Look for zippers that are easy to use and don’t get stuck. Some bags have zippers that can open in two directions, which helps when you need to let in some air.
  • Hood and Collar: A good hood and collar can help keep your head warm. The collar around your neck can also stop cold air from getting in.

Features: Extra Goodies

  • Draft Tubes: These are tubes along the zipper that stop cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping.
  • Pockets: Some bags have pockets inside for keeping small things like your phone or flashlight close by.
  • Ventilation Options: If it gets too warm, some sleeping bags have zippers you can open to cool down a bit.
  • Compatibility: Check if your bag can be zipped together with another one to make a bigger sleeping space for you and your friend or partner.

Budget: What You’re Willing to Spend

  • Investment: Think of the sleeping bag as an investment in your outdoor fun. Sometimes spending more upfront on a good-quality bag can save you money in the long run.
  • Balancing Act: It’s tempting to go for the fanciest bag, but think about what you really need. Find a good balance between what you can afford and what you truly need.

Pro Tips for Choosing a Sleeping Bag: Making Your Selection Simple

Picking the right sleeping bag can be as easy as a starry night. Here are some helpful tips to guide you towards your perfect cozy companion:

1. Don’t Forget About the Little Things!

Remember, small features can make a big difference. Check zippers, drawstrings, and pockets to ensure they work smoothly.

2. Read Reviews and Compare Prices

Take a peek at what others are saying about the sleeping bag you’re eyeing. Compare prices from different places to get the best deal.

3. Buy from a Reputable Retailer

Choosing a trustworthy seller means you’re more likely to get a quality product and excellent customer service.

4. Consider the Climate You’ll Be Using It In

Think about where you’ll camp most. A bag that’s perfect for summer might not cut it in colder conditions.

5. Think About Your Sleeping Style

Are you a side sleeper or a back sleeper? Your preferred position affects how roomy or snug you want your sleeping bag to be.

6. Make Sure It’s Big Enough for You

No one likes feeling cramped. Make sure your sleeping bag is long and wide enough to let you snooze comfortably.

7. Get a Stuff Sack to Store It In

Keep your sleeping bag safe and clean by stashing it in a stuff sack. This also makes it easier to carry around.


Q1# What is the best sleeping bag style?

The best sleeping bag style depends on the specific needs and conditions of the user. For colder weather, mummy-style bags with a snug fit and hood offer excellent insulation due to their contoured shape. These are ideal for backpacking and cold climates.

For versatility, a semi-rectangular bag provides more room to move while still offering good insulation. For warm weather or indoor use, a rectangular bag can be comfortable due to its spaciousness. Quilts are a lighter option, allowing customization by attaching only to the underside of a sleeping pad.

Ultimately, the best style hinges on factors like temperature, weight, portability, and personal preferences, making it crucial to consider the intended use before choosing a sleeping bag style.

Q2# Is it better to roll or stuff a sleeping bag?

Whether to roll or stuff a sleeping bag depends on the type of sleeping bag and personal preference. Rolling is gentler on the bag’s insulation and fabric, maintaining its loft and prolonging its lifespan. This method is ideal for down-filled bags that require care to prevent damage. On the other hand, stuffing a sleeping bag is quicker and more convenient, making it suitable for synthetic-filled bags that are more resilient to compression.

However, stuffing can lead to long-term insulation degradation. In general, rolling is recommended for backpacking trips and for ensuring the longevity of your sleeping bag, while stuffing might be more practical for casual use or situations where space is limited.

Q3# What size sleeping bag should i buy?

The size of the sleeping bag you should buy depends on your height and build. A good rule of thumb is to choose a sleeping bag that is at least 6 inches longer than your height. If you’re a larger person, consider a bag with a wider cut or a rectangular shape to provide more room to move around.

It’s important to choose a bag that fits you comfortably, as a bag that’s too small will be uncomfortable and limit your mobility, while a bag that’s too large will not provide adequate warmth. So, make sure to check the size charts provided by the manufacturer and try on the sleeping bag before purchasing to ensure a proper fit.

Final Thought

In the grand tapestry of outdoor adventures, a good night’s sleep is the thread that weaves unforgettable memories. “How to Choose a Sleeping Bag: Pro Tips” has been your compass through the vast landscape of sleeping bag options. As the stars have their constellations, so too do we chart our course with the stars of wisdom—temperature ratings, fill materials, shapes, and more.

From the rugged heights of backpacking to the tranquil meadows of camping, our guide has unveiled the secrets to snug slumber. In the dance between warmth and weight, we’ve helped you strike the perfect balance, ensuring that your chosen companion nestles effortlessly into your backpack.

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David Stone
David Stone

I'm David Stone - world traveler and award winning travel writer and photographer. I can help you plan any trip, anywhere, for any amount of time...without the frustration of a bad itinerary.

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